A small percentage of people with Sjogren's syndrome develop cancer of the lymph nodes (lymphoma). Inflammation can cause pneumonia, bronchitis or other problems in your lungs lead to problems with kidney function and cause hepatitis or cirrhosis in your liver. Dry eyes can lead to light sensitivity, blurred vision and corneal damage. People with Sjogren's syndrome are much more likely to develop oral thrush, a yeast infection in the mouth. Because saliva helps protect the teeth from the bacteria that cause cavities, you're more prone to developing cavities if your mouth is dry. Conclusions: Many treatments for first bite syndrome have been attempted including: dietary modification, pharmacological treatments, and surgical treatments. The most common complications of Sjogren's syndrome involve your eyes and mouth. It's common for people who have Sjogren's syndrome to also have a rheumatic disease - such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. Women are much more likely to have Sjogren's syndrome. Sjogren's syndrome is usually diagnosed in people older than 40. The dose can be repeated every 510 min if necessary. Sjogren's syndrome typically occurs in people with one or more known risk factors, including: Treatment for ASV Reaction 1-When the patient shows signs of a reaction, antivenom administration must be temporarily stopped and adrenaline (1 in 1000) given intramuscularly in an initial dose of 0.5 mg in adults or 0.01 mg/kg body weight in children. But it can also damage other parts of your body, such as: In Sjogren's syndrome, your immune system first targets the glands that make tears and saliva. Certain genes put people at higher risk of the disorder, but it appears that a triggering mechanism - such as infection with a particular virus or strain of bacteria - is also necessary. Scientists aren't certain why some people develop Sjogren's syndrome. Your immune system mistakenly attacks your body's own cells and tissues. OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery, 139, 742-743. Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disorder. Methods: Five patients with first bite syndrome, developed after parapharyngeal space surgery, were treated by multi-site injection of BTA into the parotid. (2008) Botulinum Toxin in the Treatment of First Bite Syndrome.