Discharge can lead to secondary infections around the eye, so it is important to keep the eye clean. Stir well, soak some cotton wool in the solution and then wipe away any discharge from around the eye. Mix half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of boiled and then cooled water. The first thing you can do is clean the eye.Here are some of the most effective home remedies. Yet in conjunction with medicated eye drops, you can add in some home remedies to improve the eye infection yourself. Your dog should always be seen by a veterinarian for a problem with the eye. What home remedies are there for a dog with an eye infection? It can be difficult to get rid of an eye infection without appropriate treatment, and therefore using home remedies to speed up the process, alongside medicated eye treatment, will result in the best outcome. Other serious symptoms include cloudiness in the eye, squinting, a swollen eye and a reluctance to let anyone touch the area around the eye. But eye infections, also known as conjunctivitis in dogs, can range from mild to severe. Eye infections and eye trauma can look similar, so it is important that all problems with the eyes get checked out by a vet. You may also notice some green, mucus discharge – this is a pretty good indicator of an infection. Most eye infections cause irritation and discomfort, so you'll probably notice your dog pawing at their eye more than usual.

What are the signs that my dog has an eye infection?
Here are some tips on how to improve eye infections with natural, home-made remedies. But some home remedies will help speed up your dog’s recovery. Eye infections are common in dogs and require a visit to the vet.